Podcasting is so much fun that I have been rather breeding them, so here is a brief guide. You may select the series you want from the drop down, or go to their homepages from the links here.
If you are a member, you might want to visit the Members’ Homepage for a summary of what’s available, and other links.
History of England (free to all): The original history of England, without adverts, and including all the guest episodes. Members can access this on though membership.
History of Scotland (Members): From the dawn of time!
Britain and the Sea (Members): the start of a series about the development of England and Britain’s naval history. Plus shanties.
Shedcasts (members): these are the heart of the Members’ feed. A whole load of topics, historiography, biographies. Also you can filter by some subseries:
- Life and Landscape in Anglo Saxon England
- British Constitution and Law
- Victorian Rural Life
- Parties and Politics
Extended Biographies (Members): There are several series available: Eleanor of Aquitaine, William Marshal, Margaret Beaufort, John Hawkwood and Margaret Cavendish
History in Technicolour (Free to All): Wolf and I talk through history films that have caught our attention!
Anglo Saxon England (Free to all): An update on the series I did for members on Anglo Saxon rural society from 5th – 11th centuries.
Nelson Hero of the Seas with Dominic Sandbrook
Nelson was a military genius and fierce patriot, idolised by his men and the British public – and held up to ridicule too, for his affair with Emma andRead More
AAG 1649-1653 The Commonwealth
The story of the English Republic
AAG 1646-1649 To Kill a King
The journey from Oxford to the scaffold, and from Ancient Constitution to Agreement of the People
Sh 44b Clubs, Gentlemen, and Clubland II - Members Only
418 Barebones
Surely the sober and Godly members of the Nominated Assembly would set the Commonwealth on stronger foundations?
Sh 44a Clubs, Gentlemen, and Clubland - Members Only
417 Kicking the Rump
Time runs out for the Rump
Milton, Nedham and the Commonwealth with Anthony Bromley
Two creative originals from the English Republic – Milton and Nedham
Shorts – Princes of the Road - Members Only
3.4 Cerdic Founder of England by Paul Harper
Was Alfred’s founder of of England a myth, or did he exist?
416 Acts of Settlement and War
The attempt to settle affairs in Ireland and Scotland – and on the open seas with the Dutch
BoB 3.5 Mesolithic Culture with Richard - Members Only
415 Rumpers
The Rump attempts to build a new world. And ends up fighting with old friends
414 The Ground of Liberty
As Charles sought to destroy the Republic, Cromwell’s army faced annhilation at Dunbar
BoB 3 The Mesolithic Stone Age - Members Only
413 Cromwell in Ireland
Cromwell’s nine month campaign of conquest in 1649 and 1650
BoB 2 Emerging from the Ice - Members Only
3.3 Seasons
How the Anglo Saxons saw and celebrated the seasons as they turned
Part II Sam and David’s English Revolution Q&A
Religion, Publ;ic Sphere, culture – and what if’s
BoB 1 A Place to Start - Members Only
Part I Sam and David’s English Revolution Q&A
Questions about Charles life and death, and the quarrel of the civil wars
412 Levelers and Diggers
Levelers and True Leveler demand reform
411 Commonwealth and New State
The public execution of a king – and a new republican Commonwealth
BoB 0 Prehistory with Richard Grove - Members Only
Prehistory with Richard Grove
An intoduction to British Prehistory with Dr Richard Grove
3.2 The Fens: Home of Monsters and Hermits
Fenlands are a fascinating landscape and history
410 Tyrant, Traitor, Murderer
Once the decision was taken to put Charles on trial, the Commissioners agonised about the detail at Westminster; the trial must be seen to be fair. But few canRead More
409 Agreement of the People
The Radicals and Army were determined to hold the king to account. Whatever parliament thought about it.
Sam & David’s Revolution Q&A
Sam Hume of Pax Britannica Podcast and I have teamed up for a festival of fun, a jamboree of questions about the English Revolution, in anticipation of a significantRead More
3.1 The Sutton Hoo King
The Story of the King and his burial at Sutton Hoo
Cavendish Omnibus 5 Eps 13-15 Celebrity - Members Only
Cavendish 15 Margaret The First - Members Only
408 The Newport Treaty
In July. Hamilton launched his army of Scots across the border, in confident expectation that his 14,000 would be swelled by enthusiastic English royalists. England would know it’s fate atRead More
407 The Peoples’ Distress
If the people of England had gone to war to build a better world, by January 1648 they were seriously unimpressed with what Utopia looked like. The issues thatRead More
Cavendish 14 The Blazing World - Members Only
Cavendish 13 Challenge and Debate - Members Only
406 Engagements
In November 1647 at Corkbush field near Ware, Fairfax faced a dangerous threat to army unity – the work of the Leveller Agitators had incited some regiments to mutiny,Read More
405 The Putney Debates
Political debate for a democratic future
2.9 Norman Transformation
Nothing more than a change at the top – or a fundamental change in the way society worked?
404 A New Model Coup
The New Model take matters into their own hands
2.8 A New Landscape
The Transformation of swathes of lowland England and the classic English village
403 No Mere Mercenary Army
With the king under their control, the determination of Fairfax’s Army made Presbyterian parliamentarians buckle. And when Ireton presented the carefully worked Heads of Proposals to the Officers andRead More
Cavendish 12 Return - Members Only
Cavendish Omnibus 4 EPs 10-12 Exiles Return - Members Only
2.7 Rise of the Thegn
The Viking wars helped create a centralised state and changed the English landscape
402 Enemies of State
Fairfax may be forced to choose – between parliamen or his soldiers
Cavendish 11 Here’s the Crime - Members Only
401 The Mind of a Martyr
Now Charles would have to negotiate. What did he want to achieve, and would the Scots leave England?
Margaret 10 Antwerp - Members Only
2.6 Life in the Warland
Warland was held by free families, amd its resources to be used in defence of the well being of the state and community