Podcasting is so much fun that I have been rather breeding them, so here is a brief guide. You may select the series you want from the drop down, or go to their homepages from the links here.
If you are a member, you might want to visit the Members’ Homepage for a summary of what’s available, and other links.
History of England (free to all): The original history of England, without adverts, and including all the guest episodes. Members can access this on though membership.
History of Scotland (Members): From the dawn of time!
Britain and the Sea (Members): the start of a series about the development of England and Britain’s naval history. Plus shanties.
Shedcasts (members): these are the heart of the Members’ feed. A whole load of topics, historiography, biographies. Also you can filter by some subseries:
- Life and Landscape in Anglo Saxon England
- British Constitution and Law
- Victorian Rural Life
- Parties and Politics
Extended Biographies (Members): There are several series available: Eleanor of Aquitaine, William Marshal, Margaret Beaufort, John Hawkwood and Margaret Cavendish
History in Technicolour (Free to All): Wolf and I talk through history films that have caught our attention!
Anglo Saxon England (Free to all): An update on the series I did for members on Anglo Saxon rural society from 5th – 11th centuries.
380 Irish Revolt
A revolt and massacres in Ireland, and the struggle over the Grand Remonstrance.
Shorts – Sandwich Spreads - Members Only
379 The King’s Party
The Royal fightback begins. A party to control parliament for the king
378 Protestations
In a time of national danger and an explosion of print and debate, the Protestation Oath of 1641 was a remarkable act of nation building
Shedcast 41d Politics and War - Members Only
377 After Strafford
Charles looks for friends in Scotland
AAG 1638-1641 The Search for Peace
Will Charles be willing to pay the price to restore his authority?
Three Ravens and Yorkshire
Martin and Eleanor from The Three Ravens Podcast explore the history and folklore of Yorkshire.
Wordsworth: The Lost Leader - Members Only
376 Letters of Blood
The dramatic story of the trial and judgement of the Earl of Strafford
375 Divisions
Charles’ response to the Scottish Declaration was severe; but it also caused a division in the Junto, and among MPs. Meanwhile, as poublic religious debate exploded, divisions also grew betweenRead More
Shedcast 41c Reform - Members Only
374 Paradise Lost
After hard negotiation, by February 1641 a workable compromise was in sight
Eleanor of Aquitaine and the Angevin Empire
How the Duchess of Aquitaine’s choices created a western Empire
373 Dreaming of a Golden Age
A new settlement would be formed between King, parliament and people
372 Go On Vigorously
Strafford would have no backing down. Bring the rebels to heel!
371 Parliament Recalled
At last, the 11 year wait is over. Parliament is back.
Shedcast 41b Whigs and Tories - Members Only
370 Reduce to Obedience
‘I expect not anything can reduce that people to obedience but force only’ Charles wrote in 1638. The following year that would be put to the test. in the First Bishops War (Bishops not included).
Shedcast 41a Representation - Members Only
369 Daur ye say Mass in my lug?
Charles was determined to bring Scottish and English churches into harmony. There’ll be trouble.
Place Names – a Shedcast
English place names are a direct window in into the lives of our ancestors – an insight into the origins or remarkable features of ancient settlements. Here’s a brief survey of how to decode some of them.
At A Gallop 1629-1638 The Personal Rule
11 years of peace, prosperity – and tyranny?
368 A Prince’s Punishments
In 1633 Thomas Wentworth arrived in Ireland – and despite great administrative efficiency, managed to separately outrage each of the components of Irish Society Meanwhile in London, William Prynne and John Lillburne stood form against tyranny.
367 New England
The colonists that traveled to New England were very different to the Chesapeake, and the society they established also very different. For the indigenous peoples, the shock would be every bit as severe.
366 The Chesapeake
Colonisation of the Chesapeake would be driven by its climate and its most successful crop – tobacco, defining the social structure of the colonists and the society they would form, and the impact they would have on the indigenous peoples.
365 The Hub of Empire
‘By what right?’ In this episode we think about how the early English colonisers viewed their Westward Enterprise, and legitimised their activities. And then turn to the region Eric Williams described as ‘The Hub of Empire’. The Caribbean.
Shedcast 40b Discovering the Nation - Members Only
364 Before the English Came
The 1630’s saw an acceleration of English colonisation in the Americas. What cultures and peoples will they meet when they get there? A horribly brief survey of cultures north of the Rio Grande before the English came.
Shedcast 40a Tourism Rising - Members Only
363 Laud Unleashed
With Parliament banished, there was little restraint on Laud and Charles to implement the reforms they felt were needed to improve the quality of religious observations and the spiritual wealth of all English. Not everyone would approve their efforts.
362 Free Men not Villeins
In 1637 Charles sought an example to squash opposition to Ship Money, and chose a minor country squire. John Hampden refused to back down.
The Favourite
This 2018 film directed by Yorgos Lanthimos is a glorious tragi-comedy about the lives of three women – Queen Anne, Sarah Churchill and Abigail Hill. It travels the full spectrum from barking mad to genuinely moving. It is a blast.
Henry Stuart
Henry Stuart’s death as eldest so and heir of James I & VI Henry gives us one of those great ‘what if?’ moments in history, like the death of ArthurRead More
361 Charles in Charge
Charles had done the right thing of we wanted to avoid parliaments – reducing costs by making peace. But, how was he to raise money to clear that £2m debt? Well, two words came in to play – many, and various.
The Great Escape
Released in 1963 The Great Escape has got to be one of the definitive tales of derring-do, the ultimate escapism, in the ‘film is fun’ genre. What role would you have had if you had been there?
360 Charles Abroad
Relationships with the other kingdoms was definitely the royal preserve. But policy options might vary, from favouring the desires of his protestant subjects, to the Spanish faction on the privy Council. But his clout was always hampered by the poor state of the Royal Navy
HiT Chariots of Fire
I remember back in 1981 this film was a sensation; we were all running around on beaches in slo-mo. Has it stood the test of time, though, and is it any more than a bit of fluff?
359 Charles is At Home
Charles was determined to run his court completely differently to his father. Controlled, regulated, ordered; an example of a warm, loving and enlightened household that would prove an example of the majesty and stability of his reign.
Den of Thieves by Cloak and Dagger
Edward I’s Jewel house was a thick walled, impregnable fortress to keep the king’s treasure safe. But some of his less salubrious and loyal subjects had an idea that maybeRead More
HiT Bright Star
Jane Campion’s Bright Star was released in 2009 and featured on the lives of Fanny Browne and John Keats in the last years of Keat’s life. Abbie Cornish and Ben Wishaw do a brilliant job of recreating their lives
358 New Counsels
Was it an ‘Eleven years tyranny’ or ‘Halcyon Days’ that followed 1629? Either way, foreign ambassadors were not hopeful of England’s future. But Charles first priority was to reduce the Vipers of parliament to submission.
Hawkwood Omnibus 7 EPs 19-21 - Members Only
Hawkwood 21 The Last Campaign - Members Only
Hawkwood 20 A Tales of Two Captains - Members Only
AAG 1625-1629 New Ways, Old Ways
New wine? Or old wine in new bottles?
357 Vipers
Dramatic events in 1628 – a horrible murder, and one of the great set pieces of the English Revolution. Mayhem! Treason! Murder!
Hawkwood 19 A Tale of Two Cities - Members Only
HiT Gladiator
Ridley Scott’s classic – is it, and were you entertained or did it unleash hell? Has it stood the test of time? And how well does the revenge format work? This and much more – and a discussion of the ubiquitous agricultural yield ratios.