Podcasting is so much fun that I have been rather breeding them, so here is a brief guide. You may select the series you want from the drop down, or go to their homepages from the links here.
If you are a member, you might want to visit the Members’ Homepage for a summary of what’s available, and other links.
History of England (free to all): The original history of England, without adverts, and including all the guest episodes. Members can access this on though membership.
History of Scotland (Members): From the dawn of time!
Britain and the Sea (Members): the start of a series about the development of England and Britain’s naval history. Plus shanties.
Shedcasts (members): these are the heart of the Members’ feed. A whole load of topics, historiography, biographies. Also you can filter by some subseries:
- Life and Landscape in Anglo Saxon England
- British Constitution and Law
- Victorian Rural Life
- Parties and Politics
Extended Biographies (Members): There are several series available: Eleanor of Aquitaine, William Marshal, Margaret Beaufort, John Hawkwood and Margaret Cavendish
History in Technicolour (Free to All): Wolf and I talk through history films that have caught our attention!
Anglo Saxon England (Free to all): An update on the series I did for members on Anglo Saxon rural society from 5th – 11th centuries.
400 Many Thousand Citizens
The Levellers were not an organized, structured politial party or pressure group in the early days. They were a loose association of radicals who found they shared new ideas thatRead More
2.5 Life on the Inland
The Church brings resident institutions, and to support them the land and people must work harder
AAG 1643-1645 The First Civil War
A bloody conflict over religion and the Ancient Constitution
399 End Game
After Naseby things looked dire – could Charles manufacture a way to revive royalist fortunes?
2.4 Extensive Lordship and the Scir
A sense of lordship based on mutual obligations of free peoples
Cavendish 9 Author - Members Only
Cavendish Omnibus 3 Into Print EPs 7-9 - Members Only
Jonathan Healey and the Blazing World
Jonathan Healey and a revolutionary century
2.3 The Early Settlers
Early Germanic settlers establish themselves in the Romano British countryside
398 The Clubmen
The revolt of the Provinces
Cavendish 8 Sequestration - Members Only
397 In Assurance of Victory
We come to 1645, and the first test of the New Model Army. To Charles and Rupert this was an opportunity to destroy it while full of raw recruits. ThroughRead More
Cavendish 7 Dance with the Muses - Members Only
Gene, Davie and Bert
A thank you to Gene, and all about the theme music
396 The New Model
In discord was forged a sharp new sword of liberty…or of parliamentary tyranny, delete as applicable
Anglo Saxon Rendlesham
News from Excavations – and of a new Podcast series!
Cavendish Omnibus 2 EPs 4-6 Court and Courtship - Members Only
Cavendish 6 Paris - Members Only
395 Forever Newbury
Charles faces Manchester at Newbury – and Montrose and Macolla create mayhem in Scotland
394 Lost With It All
In the summer of 1644 Parliament and Essex had a chance to finish it all.
Cavendish 5 Marchioness - Members Only
2.2 The Old and the New
The decline f Roman o Britain, and theories of the Germanic migrations
2.1 The Anglo Saxons: Land, Lordship and People
The Whys and Wherefores of this new series
393 We Saw No Light
1644 opened with Charles’ ‘Mongrel parliament’ at Oxford, and was the model of compliance. Not so at York where the noose of the Scots and Fairfax tightened around York. EnterRead More
Cavendish 4 At Court - Members Only
392 The Neighbourhood Wars
The Civil wars brought violence into town, village and countryside
391 A National War
Between a quarter and a third of adult males up to 50 will fight in the first civil war. Most families will be affected in some way. Here is theRead More
Ridley Scott’s long awaited latest epic; a ‘character study’ of one of the most influential figures of European history, who reshaped a continent. It has been accompanied by furious debate,Read More
Cavendish 3 Flight - Members Only
Cavendish Omnibus 1 Reputation and Early Years (EPs 1-3) - Members Only
390 Leagues and Covenants
The Solemn League and Covenant will bring a Scottish army to Parliament – and an ocean of trouble
389 Newsheets and Newbury
In July 1643 all looked set fair for the royalist cause after a string of victories
Cavendish 2 Paradise Lost - Members Only
Margaret Cavendish with Prof Margaret Oakes
Prof Oakes talks to me about Margaret Cavendish – poet, natural philosopher, duchess and 17th century celebrity
Cavendish 1 Reputations - Members Only
388 Runaway Down
July 1643 would see two critical contests at Bath and in Yorkshire. And the death of The Patriot
387 Sinews of War
Early 1643 was not a good idea for peace. By April, both the Scots and English parliament had tired of Charles’ negotiating style and started talking to each otherRead More
Anglo Saxon Seasons - Members Only
AAG1641-1642 The Descent to War
The deaths of Bedfod and Strafford started the countdown to a violent to the issues at stake
386 The Fighting Spreads
Despite multiplying armies, the search for peace goes on
385 The Battle for London
The King and people of London face off at Turnham Green
384 The Breaking Storm
Charles’ situation in August looked dire. But at Shrewsbury, soldiers came to his call, arms reached him from Henrietta Maria, and in October he had an army, and set ofRead More
Shorts Custom, Practice and Measurement - Members Only
383 Choosing Sides
How people made choices for king or parliament, and whether they cared
382 War of Words
Both sides lay out their stalls. And Henry Parker lays out some underlying foundations of English political thought
Shedcast 41f Modernity - Members Only
Shedcast 41e Consenus Politics - Members Only
Big, ambitious and absorbing portrait of a genius who helped change the world
British Reactions to the French Revolution by Grey History
British reactions to the French Revolution through the eyes of Burke and Paine
381 Six Days
Six days in January 1642 which changed the course of English history