41 thoughts on “The Podcast Schedule

  1. Help. I cannot access any podcasts since episode 244. I have no idea what to do. I’ve tried downloading them from scratch but it. doesn’t work, what di I do?

    1. Kris I assume you are talking about the free History of England? Could you tell me what podcatcher you are using? They seem to be still downloading from iTunes for example.

      1. Hi David, thanks for coming back to me. I’m using ITunes on a desktop but I keep getting a message on my computer saying there is an unknown error Ox80090318 and I should check the URL.

        I’ve been a regular listener since episode 1 and I was OK until Henry decided to chop Catherine Howard’s head off, when it all went wrong! I deleted my feed and started again, but it hasn’t helped. I can listen direct on my iPhone, but I want to use an Ipod in bed at night!
        Has there been a URL feed change?Kris T

      2. I’m having the same problem :/ I’m using Podcast Go. Also, do you have the option for one-off donations?

        1. Really sorry Mary. Just to be clear are we talking about the History of England or the Members shedcasts? If the free history of England, then I am at a loss; I’ve just been onto iTunes and it works OK, and on the Apple App. Maybe delete it and search for it and then re-subscribe?

          If it’s the Members shedcast then let me know…it could either mean checking and re-entering the URL https://thehostwiztestsite.com/feed/podcast/members, and making sure your username and password are correct by logging into the website. Or indeed let me know and I will try and get you back in.

          And yes! I do have a one-off donation…there’s a PayPal button on the homepage and it will allow either PayPal or card payments, and I am not proud! But as my mother used to tell me, it’s the thought that counts!

  2. David, I am having similar problems to Kris. If I go to Itunes, History of England comes up with “subcribe” though all the free podcasts are shown for download. In my podcaster it shows the same History of England “subscribed” and the free podcast I down loaded and my podcaster will proceed to the next free podcast when I complete the one I downloaded. But I can’t seem to get to the shedcasts other than on my macAir computer. Ideas?

    Martin (Vashon Island, USA)

    1. Hi Martin – trouble is I can’t recreate the problem. I can only make two suggestions; firstly, delete any history of England completely, close down your device, restart it and start from scratch- the old turn it off and turn it on again., Secondly, I will post your comment on the Facebook site https://www.facebook.com/groups/314746805305339/ and see if anyone else can help…sorry top be so useless/

  3. David, the Shedcast on Religious Conflict and Tolerance was excellent and very informative. However, a 100 minute programme was a bit of a marathon. Could I suggest that two fifty minute episodes would have been better. Please keep up the good work. Kind regards Roy Pembroke

    1. Hi Roy, and thanks for the feedback. It’s really tricky., I instinctively agree with you, but another comments I’ve had suggested the opposite. But in future I think I’ll keep cutting them up into chunks.

  4. I am having the same problem as Kris and Bakerm. I am using Podcast Republic on an Android device. I have tried removing the free History of England podcast from my feed and restarting, but I have stopped short of clearing the data for the app since that would eliminate the downloads and history for all of my other feeds. Instead, I tried downloading a different app (Castbox) and subscribing through that app. Unfortunately, I had the exact same problem. The only way I can listen at this point is through the website.

    1. Hi Anthony; have you been able to download the podcast in the past? I will ask AScast, but my problem is that when I do it on my phone (iphone) it works fine, so I can’t recreate the problem. But as you say you are not alone. I’ll see if Acast can help.

      1. Yes, I believe the last one I was able to download was 250 (Catherine and Anne). I tried both downloading and streaming, and receive an error on both.

  5. Hello David
    Thank you for the great job you are doing with the podcast. I listen to your podcast at work and it has been a brain saver ! ( and no I’m not Fudgelling) Your pod cast is a nice change from listening to all the billingsgate that pour out from the boom-boxes scattered about the job site.
    Cheers Merwin Haight

    1. Thanks Merwin, and delighted you picked up on the fudgeling! Glad you are enjoying it, and thanks so much for taking the trouble to send me a nice compliment, it has made my day. Good luck battling the boom boxes!

  6. Hi

    Just discovered The Anglo Saxons The History of England – hooked completely and play them everytime I get in my car .however the episodes stop at 21 help I am getting withdrawal Symptoms

    1. Hi Julie – you need to go to the History of England podcast – I transferred everything there, and the story carries on. And thanks! The Anglo Saxons are of course easily the best part of English history

  7. Please make a “like rat up a drain” mug. This is a serious oversight. Truth be told, and as this is a full and frank exchange of views, things might devolve to a real bunfight without said mug, even if, and especially if, one intends it be used down at the local to deliver beer to the tonsils, not tea for the accompaniment of hot buttered crumpets. My goal is to stuff one sensible sentence to the rim with Crowtherisms. Did I win?

      1. Impressive! The crown is your’s Suzy, no doubt about it, I stand in awe! (Sadly I can’t claim any of the expressions as my originals. But look – rat up a drain is a superb saying isn’t it? So descriptive)

  8. Hi David- I think I missed out on your latest contest? Don’t see anything on site. If so, I’m try to be more timely for the next one.
    thanks, JP

    1. Hi Jon Pierre, and I will do a better job of promoting it. I think I was mainly in denial, too terrified to speak of it, but it was fine. I think Roifield is thinking of one in the UK in February/March and then making the US version annual so with a bit of luck we’ll get a chance to meet!

  9. I hope you’re feeling better David! I was so excited to see podcasts again and hope that it’s a sign that you are recovering well. Know that we, Greg and I, are cheering you on in your recovery across the pond. Nothing can keep a good shed-man down!

  10. Hi David,

    I want to get rid of Patreon which drives me insane and donate yearly. I’m a bit confused about whether the subscription page on this website avoids Patreon.

    On a completely separate issue, as you are approaching the Restoration, will you be covering the Scientific Revolution? It’s a great topic with great characters. (I’m thinking especially of Robert Hooke who spans so many aspects of the period, not just science,)

    1. A laudable ambition! On the page https://thehostwiztestsite.com/become-a-member/, the first membership method is direct with me – annnual or monthly; the Patreon method is if you click ‘Become a patron’.

      And YES! Very much so, I have been listening tostuff ahead of time. There is a problem; science-wise I am a complete numpty, and will make an idiot of myself. But I will definitely give it a go

  11. I think I found your podcast a year ago, and I keep getting up into the Edwards and the beginning of the so-called Wars of the Roses, previously hammered into my noggin thanks to Dan Jones, Dan Snow, et alia (alia being that egotistical fossil who yearns for the good ol days of British imperialism)… er where was I? O yes, trying and failing not to spam you with my own verbal diarrhea— anyway I’ve restarted twice because I’m really trying to learn the post-Roman, pre-Norman period. This time I’m going through after reading Marc Morris’ Anglo-Saxon book, which I highly recommend. You each focus more or less on different figures in the same events, which proviides a sort of binocular view od various episodes. it’s fun. I promise I’ll move ahead eventually.

    I’m just amazed that you are still keeping up with this level of detail and research after so many years. As a classics major who burned out working on my PhD dissertation I am in utter awe. many, many thanks for your exhaustive work and grindstone-sanded nose.

    1. But I love it Ellen! What else would I do? and the amazing thing is…I appear to be making a living doing it. Seriously. I have to pinch myself.

  12. Hi David,
    I’m only a recent listener to your podcast having only discovered a few months ago. I started at the beginning and am now up to Episode 44 The Lionheart. I am a great lover of English History, something my mother really enjoyed and got me into. When I was in high school back in the late 1970s, and I first did History, we started on English History and the Norman conquest. So I took it up as an elective and our curriculum never covered it again! It was all WWI and WWII and Australian History (I do live in Australia).

    But even so, I did some private study on the subject over the years and craved every bit of information over the years from 1066 to the present day.

    This podcast has increased my knowledge on the Anglo Saxon rulers, besides Alfred the Great I didn’t have much knowledge of other rulers so thank you for this! You may be aware of the series the Last Kingdom and while not totally historically correct, I enjoyed this and seeing someone’s interpretation of how Alfred looked and how he ruled his kingdom.

    Anyway, just wanted to let you know how much I love your podcast and the humour you bring into it. I would have loved to have done something like this myself but (a) I don’t have the knowledge and (b) I could not have done it as well as you do.

    Thanks David, I look forward to listening to the next 400 episodes or more.

    Chad Smith
    Sydney, Australia

    1. Hi Chad and thank you, I am so pleased you are enjoying it,and it’s lovely of you to take the trouble to get in touch! I loved the Last Kingdom,by the way and thought they told the story brilliantly.

  13. Thank you for your response David, my apologies it has taken me so long! Lovely to hear you enjoyed the Last Kingdom as well. The movie to finish of the series Seven Kings Must Die was also worth watching.

    I’m now up to Episode 103 – The War in Brittany. One of many episodes during the reign of Edward III.

    I do have a question that I think you have hinted upon in previous episodes but I have not quite heard the answer. The question is about the numbering of Kings after 1066 and why Edward I was that number when there many previous Kings named Edward. Was it a Norman thing and everyone else just carried on from that? Or was there another reason the numbering did not carry on from the Anglo Saxon Kings?

    Also, can you recommend any series on English History that is being currently streamed? I did like the series Monarchy by David Starkey but do you know of any others I could look for?


    1. Hi Chad. My understanding on the numbering (but don’t quote me!) is that it is a hang over from Norman colonialism! It’s not until the plantagenets that any king gets a number, and then being French they didn’t consider the Anglo Saxons worth their notice and so started with the Conk.
      Good luck with the war in Brittany! Sadly I am not aware of any historical programas streaming at the moment…sorry!

  14. Thanks for that info David much appreciated!

    I’m now up to Episode 144 The Agincourt Campaigns and a really weird thing has happened. The episode plays but there is no sound. I’m on Spotify and other podcasts play properly so I’m not sure what the problem is. Are you able to shed any light on this?

    Is there another platform I can listen on?


  15. I sorted out the problem David, I can now hear the episodes again. What happened is still a total mystery to me and some episodes still do not have sound.
    But no problems, I will soldier on!
    I’m now up to episode 206 Descent to the Underworld. Loved the previous episode, Do Not Let Me Perish. I first thought this phrase would be about Prince Arthur and then I thought it was Henry VII himself but it turned out to be Catherine of Aragon! Nice touch. 🙂

    Getting to know your little phrases now too, love the one about preferring to eat your own liver, along with all the Python references.

    You’ll be pleased to know that your podcast has taken precedence over around 4 or 5 others I regularly listen to, it is like a good book, just can’t put it down.
    Speaking of books, I picked up Tracy Borman’s Crown and Sceptre the other week and I am really enjoying this one too, a nice abridged version of all the ruling monarchs from Billy the Conq to Charles III. Also got one on King John and the year he signed Magna Carta and also one on Anne Boleyn and Elizabeth I.

    I have enough now to last me right though Christmas and beyond.

    Thanks for all you do David, love listening every day to your podcast and I hope you are well.


    1. Thank you Chad, you are very kind! Glad you sorted out the tech…the ways of computers are hidden to me sadly!

  16. Hi,
    I am now listening to Richard on crusade and loving every minute of your podcast.

    I’m writing to recommend the historical novels by Sharon Kay Penmen. Her’s are the best about the angevins. I’ve read many authors on the subject, both history and novels, always comparing them to Sharon’s. None are as good.

    1. Yes agreed! The Sun in Splendor for example was abook I read eons ago and have never forgotten, and many people mention how good they are

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