Membership – the perfect gift

‘Perfect’ might be an exaggeration, but only a small one. And here’s how you can buy Annual Membership for someone you love.

  1. Go to, click on the donate button and donate £40 (or £40,000 if you’d prefer, your choice). (Do NOT use the normal membership checkout or your existing membership account- just use the donation option as above, and drop me a note as  below to say you have made the donation for gift purposes)
  2. Send an email to me at and give me 3 things
    • The name of the person to whom you are sending a gift
    • A username you would like for them
    • Their email
    • A particular date when the glad tidings should reach them and the purpose (optional)
  3. I will then set an account up just for them, send them a nice email their joining instructions.

That’s it. Easy peasy, squeeze the lemon.

4 thoughts on “Membership – the perfect gift

  1. Am I missing something? I can’t seem to find a spot for us ex-colonists across the pond to become a member. I would love to access all of the extra goodies.

  2. Dear David
    I have followed your podcast since the beginning and I have been a member for years. I’m really sorry but as I am retiring could I please cancel my membership.
    Thankyou so much for the years of entertainment. This has always been one of my favorite podcasts.

    1. Hi Charles and thank you so much for your support over the years. I can confirm your payments have been cancelled, but I have also emailed you. so please look out for that. Enjoy your retirement!

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