Scandal of Christendom Debate – how to vote


The debate – and vote

Here’s what you do to take part…

Between 29th October and 6th November, hop along to the Facebook Page,  where you’ll find a post on which you can comment. It will have the question below.  You canFacebook page then add a comment, and enter one of three votes:

  • A: Agree with the Statement
  • B: Disagree with the statement
  • C: Abstain

Everyone who votes will be entered into the prize draw.

The Question and your vote

The History of England agrees with Eric Ives that Anne Boleyn was “a maker of history” and rejects Catherine of Aragon’s insult that she was nothing more than the “Scandal of Christendom”.

I realise the question is a composite one, with many variables. To agree you will probably tends to agree with the majority (not necessarily all) of the statements below:

  • Anne did not cynically entrap Henry solely because she wanted power; she and Henry shared had a genuinely loving relationship
  • Anne was an active and effective player in court politics, rather than simply its victim
  • Anne was a genuine leader and principal of change, rather than just a catalyst because of the king’s desire for her; she played an active part in leading, influencing and shaping policies such as the strategy to break with Rome.
  • She promoted evangelical ideas and reform; and that did so from personal conviction and piety – not just because they increased her chances of becoming Queen.
  • Her treatment of Catherine of Aragon and Mary was as much due to the king’s views and the necessities of the situation as to any personal vindictiveness

These are the questions I’ll discuss in episode 231 on 29th October. Happy Voting!


There is a smorgasbord of fine prizes. You can find out more on the Prizes Page.

2 thoughts on “Scandal of Christendom Debate – how to vote

  1. A. Agree. I think Anne was sincerely committed to religious (and to some extent political) reform. I believe she became the victim of forces and actors who were working from their own various religious, political and personal motivations; people who were unwilling or unable to directly challenge Henry.
    I love your podcast and the wit which you bring to it.

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