Rights and Commons with the OSS

England and Wales have extensive networks of rights of way over private land, and some remaining common land – private land over which the public have rights. Where did they come from, how have they survives, and how do we preserve and extend them?

Download Podcast - Rights and Commons with the OSS (Right Click and select Save Link As)

Links and resources

To find out more about the Open Spaces Society and how to support them visit the OSS website

A copy of the Countryside Code is below or visit the Countryside code section of the UK Government website

The Countryside Code_ advice for countryside visitors – GOV.UK

Countryside Code Summary


If you would like to involved with the Don’t Lose your Way project, to recover ancient lost rights of way, visit the Ramblers Association 


2 thoughts on “Rights and Commons with the OSS

  1. This episode is outstanding. “Right up my alley” as is said [apropos phrase!]. I’m USA but The Commons is a fascinating subject, and so cool the be aware of preservation efforts. Again great conversation David and guest!

    1. Gregg, that is very kind I was rather worried I’d get a lot of adverse comment about grinding my own persona axes

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