307b What makes Nelson Special by Adam Preston


Nelson was an extraordinary mix – described by N A M Rodgers as ‘Vulnerable and weak as a man, Nelson was also a leader of unequalled ardour, courage, generosity and professional genius’. We hear about Nelson’s military genius, and your chance to support a new TV project


307b What makes Nelson Special by Adam Preston

To support Adam’s project to develop a new series on Nelson’s life, please go to the Trafalgar.tv website and register your interest

8 thoughts on “307b What makes Nelson Special by Adam Preston

  1. Thanks again for the opportunity to share my interest in this subject. I often think of Nelson as ‘awesome’ in the original sense of the word- he certainly inspired terror in his enemies!

  2. Great guest episode…very exciting stuff.

    We in America don’t have this kind of Naval history so it is a treat to think about some of the adventures these guys had. We have incredible tales from WWII, of course, but those seem kind of…”familiar” I guess since they were on ships not so different from what we still use today. To think of just steering a huge sailing vessel, let alone fight with one is just mind boggling.

    1. Matthew, well, certainly not the quantity and length of the British naval history, but there are some items of note to visit (I’m only listing pre-20th century). John Paul Jones crypt at the Naval Academy in Annapolis is cool, the War of 1812 sailing ship Old Ironsides (and other ships) in Boston Harbor are quite interesting. At Vicksburg National Military Park in Mississippi, a Union river gun boat, which was recovered from local swamps, is viewable. And I’ve visited a few forts that dealt with naval bombardment, such as Fort McHenry in Baltimore. I’m sure there are others that escape my immediate recollection. OK, I agree, it is a pretty short list.

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