179 The New Farmers

After a period of grace, tA Sheephe 15th Century posed serious challenges for Magnates and the rural economy – prices fell, wages rose, Magnates had to cancel parties. But every cloud has its silvery lining; and trouble for some was opportunity for others – the new Farmers.

179 The New Farmers


12 thoughts on “179 The New Farmers

  1. Am loving the details of daily life. Not bored by sheep or cloth. Keep it up. Tell us about food and drink. Tell us about life in a monastery. This is just as good as the “big juicy bits” of history.

  2. This is my second listen to the 178 to 182 digression. It is so good! I keep sending screenshots of where I am to my mom and telling her to listen so we can compare reactions. Thanks for covering all aspects with such thoroughness. Can’t tell one kind of story of one without telling the other.

    1. I am so impressed at your thoroughness! It’s been fun seeing your comments come through – you’ve moved through the episodes at quite a pace.

  3. Ah love the sheep pic here. And the nice D&D reference in this episode. I’ve been with you for about a year and a half now but have only made it this far. So I’m still two years behind you in real time. But I love your podcast, and your history humor. I think I caught a Toy Story reference during the War of the Roses and laughed out loud on my train. The morning commuters were shocked at my lack of decorum. Ah well, many thanks for the great ride thus far. And for your exhausted use of that fabulous word: “poo”.

    1. Thank you Holly. Was that Woody’s line about being the perfect time to panic? I always loved that line. By episode 240, though, I decided I’d over used the word poo, delightful though it is, without a shadow!

      1. First time commenter:
        I haven‘t caught up yet, but if „poo“ is now officially out, I vote repeats of my new favorite, „toastwards“!
        Thanks, David, for all the stories and humour – I’ll probably have to go for repeats once I am down to the one episode per week, I am so thoroughly hooked…
        (As an aside, I applaud the notion of “why use one word where 15 will do”, which probably means we are on a similar diagnosis here…)

  4. I found your podcast last month and am throughly enjoying it. The Anglo-Saxon casts really help me with the pronunciation of names in the book “Hild”, which I highly recommend. I’m now on the War of the Roses. Really enjoy your knowledge and humor. Is it possible to donate from California? Keep up the good work.

    1. Hi Karen, and glad you are enjoying it – good luck with all the factions and names in the Wars of the Roses; I miss them though! Give my love to the Earl of Warwick.

      Karen you can donate from anywhere in the world; but better still ,become a member and you both help me with a lovely donation AND you get a bunch of extra podcasts too – have a look at https://thehostwiztestsite.com/become-a-member/ if youi are so minded. But either way, thanks for getting in touch.

  5. Aside from being a “ripping good read,” as David might say, Ken Follett’s medieval historical novels “The Pillars of the Earth” and “World Without End” provide fascinating insights into the architecture and engineering of the 12th to 15th centuries. The great thing is that all of that is worked seamlessly into the larger plots of both novels, and Follett avoids what I’ve seen science fiction authors refer to as information bombs. Highly recommended if you love this period of English history.

  6. Just enjoying cruising through your series (3rd time) – and I got such a kick out of the mention of the tyranny of the clock from 1496… the death knell of joy and laughter, the start of the hamster wheel of life…the arrival of the modern world…. sigh. I don’t imagine our medieval folk realized how modern they suddenly were becoming.

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