Unaccustomed as I am to social and economic history…here is the first of a bit of a thread over the next few weeks and months about some social stuff, and indeed with a bit of a focus on women. Due to popular demand. We start of this thread with a look at the status and role of women in Anglo Saxon England.
A great book!
I have to honour my debt to Henrietta Leyser and her book on Medieval Women. Most of the podcast, and some following over the next few weeks, owe a vast amount to it.
As it happens you can buy them through my wee Amazon bookshop.
To buy from the UK, click on this link Henietta Leyser 'Medieval Women'
To buy from the UK, click on this link Henietta Leyser 'Medieval Women'
An Anglo Saxon Riddle
Here's that Riddle. Answer in the next episode, and please have a guess below in the comments – no searching the interweb!
I’m a wonderful thing, a joy to women,
to neighbors useful. I injure no one
who lives in a village save only my slayer.
I stand up high and steep over the bed;
underneath I’m shaggy. Sometimes ventures
a young and handsome peasant’s daughter,
a maiden proud, to lay hold on me.
She seizes me, red, plunders my head,
fixes on me fast, feels straightway
what meeting me means when she thus approaches,
a curly-haired woman. Wet is that eye.
David I have met your riddle before so will be like dad and keep mum…
Can you guess this modern riddle…
.Your hands hover over me I harvest wisdom.
You yearn for answers I yield to your questioning
But beware: I bring you astray
Into a foul chasm of kittens and cranks
You mentioned that a book on medieval women was of immense help for this episode. Can you tell me the name of the author?
Thanks so much, great podcast!
Obviously I am not David but I believe the author was Henrietta Leyser….hope this helps…
Oh lord, Brenda, I am UTTERLY rubbish at riddles. I have no ability to think laterally, and no patience. so sadly, I, um, Googgled. Which was surprisingly helpful!
And yes, it is indeed Henrietta Leyser. I have amended the blog post to give the details to everyone interested.
Does any one these days read Agnes Strickland Queens of England…it can be down loaded for free an abridged version…but obviously the books are better…for a Victorian writer she suprisingly pulls few punchs…
There are two answers I think. One suitable for polite company, the other not. Did the Anglo Saxons like bawdy double entendre?
I think we should all go for the polite answer…go on David, give it a shot…
The wet eye upon attack makes it an onion, I would guess. The bawdy answer seems obvious but will remain unmentioned. I assume the medievals were a pretty crass lot and had a good howl.
a rose
David, quite right not to mention the bawdy one – it has of course no place in the rarefied air of the History of England! David, Brad, nice guesses…any other guesses out there?
I really have to wait to know if I’m right? What kind of outfit is this? Is it run from a shed?
Sadly, Brad, this is indeed an outfit run from a shed.
OK, the answer is indeed an Onion. Sorry, Brad, nice guess though. Congratulations, David.
Uncomfortable though women’s history may make you feel, you are doing a delightful job of it! This is a great interlude after Agincourt.
Hello..er.. Redbean. Is that your first name? Thank you, anyway. It was indeed most uncomfortable, but I don;t seem to have upset too many people – or at least not so far as I have heard !
what would you desribe the tone of this riddle to be?
Your guess is as good as mine. Mischieviously salacious?
what would the main images/metaphors of the riddle be?