Here is your technical support page. Please use the page to
- Post any problems you are having – please post them as comments to this page and Jesse and I will respond. Please make sure you also provide, if relevant:
- The type of device you are using
- The operating system (Windows, iOS etc)
- How you are accessing Shedcasts, and the name of the podcatcher if you are using one
- View FAQs to solve the problem yourself
- Access links to other support available
At any time you can email me at
Frequently asked questions
1. My feed has stopped updating – I haven’t had any member episodes for ages
- First thing to check is that it’s not a password problem; so it’s worth going to the website and trying to log in here If you can’t login, then use the Lost Password process. You’ll then need to go back to your podcatcher and try to update; either you will be prompted, or you may have the delete the feed and start again.
- It might be the cache on your mobile device causing the problem. Try first to delete the cache by turning off and closing down the device completely, and then start it up again, open the app and see if the feed starts going again
- If neither of these work, then delete the feed complete from your podcatcher, turn off your phone as above, and then set up the feed from scratch.
- Make sure you use exactly the right feed address, letter for letter –
- Please note it’s important t type the URL rather than searching for the name of the Shedcasts
2. The feed address for the members’ shedcast feed doesn’t see to work
First thing to do is make asbsolutely sure you have the address correct – no added ‘s’ or ‘.’ and so on.
But then Leigh Ann was struggling and found an article about WordPress sites (as is The History of England), and it advised that adding /feed to the end of the feed address would help. She took the advice – and it worked! So, that would mean
3. How do I download and use the Mobile App?
Please follow this link to the mobile app support page. Also has advice on some troubleshooting.
4. I can’t see the earlier History of England episodes

The shedcast feed to my mobile device has stopped working. What do I do? (Members)
- Check the URL you are using. It should be
You do NOT need the ‘www.’ bit. Usually it’s not a problem if you do use www, and it will redirect fine, but on some occasions with some podcatchers it seems to cause a problem. - Sometimes for unaccountable reasons podcatchers periodically seem to ask you to re-enter your credentials – username and password.
- If your username and password seem to stop working, delete the feed in your podcatcher completely and start again.
- If your username and password STILL doesn’t work, then go to the website login page and select the lost password process. Then return to your podcatcher and try again.
I have tried the lost password process and it doesn’t work for me. I either don’t get an email after I have entered my details, or a weird message saying my reset link is invalid (Members)
Go back and try one more time. This time, at the log in page, try this:
- press Function F5 (on some machines this is CNTRL+F5 at the same time) before trying to log in to try and clear any caching.
- Try the process with your email first, and if that doesn’t work, then try it again with your username.
- Check your spam in email if you don’t see the password reset email
If neither of these work then you may have forgotten the email you used to sign up with or your username. So, email me on, and I will send these to you.
Finally, if all this fails email me again and I will send you a new password. But it’s better for you to manage your own if possible then you can change it at will.
I want to turn off automatic payment for my annual Paypal membership
If you want to cancel your membership and payments, or update the card details please log in, and then go to the billing page in the Members’ section.
As stated on the Checkout page, renewal payments are made automatically each year or month – maybe you simply want to do it manually yourself, for example. If you don’t want this to happen, I understand that if you have paid through a card it is relatively easy to access your bank online and cancel future direct debits or standing orders.
You can do the same thing on Paypal. Where the function is depends a little on the account type you have, but if you find Account Setting (normally top right on the Paypal website under your name or a cog symbol), and then chose ‘Manage Payments (or ‘Money banks and Cards’) you should then be able to choose ‘Manage Automatic’ payments and make changes.
I want to update my credit card details
You can do this through the members area in the Billing Option. I have noticed Stripe’s website (the company that deals with credit card has become a little buggy – continuing to try and charge the old card on occasion. So if you have problems email me and I will deal with it for you.
Other useful links (Members)
There is advice on downloading members only shedcasts here: How to download shedcasts
There is a podcast and Shedcast schedule here so you can check what should be appearing in your podcatcher.
You can also see a list of the members’ shedcasts in the member’s area
I’m sorry but I need to cancel my payment because of poor health.
Hi Mike – Just in case my email gets caught by your spam filter, I have sorted this. Please have a look at your email which will explain what I have done so you can keep access. Good luck. David
you are a good person, m. crowther
Im sorry to be scribbling on here, but i have a problem and can’t seem to contact anyone any other way. I paid for membership last year, but never revived any form of acknowledgement. I didn’t worry too much and thought £40 is a fair donation toward theyour podcast and all the work you do Favid. I was somewhat suprised to see another £40 pending to exit my bank account. Upon trying to contact you it appears there is now membership in my name,yet clearly you have my bank account details!
Can this be resolved please. Right now I’m £80 the lighter and have nothing to show for it except a shut door in my face.
Loving your exhaustive work.
That should read,NO membership in my name.
I hope you follow the jist.
Please contact me and help sort this out.
Regards Charles Barnett
Hello Charles, and I am so sorry. An automatic email is sent after checkout; but they go astray. I have sent you an email just now – please let me know if it doesn’t arrive, you can email me at Just to reassure you as far as security is concerned- I don’t have access to your bank details – these are help by a third party bank called Stripe. Please let me know if and when you get my email. David
Just became a member. I love the podcast and I’m trying to convince my family members to join. This is very educational and funny. As an American I love hearing the English phrases (houly) although I frequently have to google things. Keep going!
Brilliant, thank you and welcome!
I’m actually not sure where houley comes from myself….
Hah, I’ve been trying for days, and I finally asked and 5 min later I figured it out in BeyondPod. Nevermind!
Ain’t that the way of it? Not sure how many times I’ve had to say to the person coming to fix my coimpouter ‘huh, it works now…’
My Facebook feed hasn’t worked for the past 36 hours or so. Have you removed me or is it a Facebook issue? (I can see from the website that there are new posts – I’m just not receiving them).
Not we have definitely not removed you! How could I do such a thing! Not sure what this has happened – I’ll ask the group
Hey David, I actually need to change payment methods since I’m getting rid of a credit card. How would I go about doing that? Would it be easier to just cancel and I’ll re-signup?
Hi there – no need to cancel and sign up again; you can update your details by going to the members billing page here: Let me know if that gives you problems. And, as always, thanks for being a member!
I’m sorry, but I tried to become an annual member and was rejected. It claimed my Discover card was not supported. I don’t know what I did wrong. I have used the same card for numerous things online. I am disappointed.
Hi Yvonne, and as you can imagine, I am even more disappointed than you are! I am rather at the mercy of the organisations (Stripe, PayPal) that manage all the technicalities of the card financial transactions. I assume they don’t accept that type of card for some reason. If you can bear it there are other ways; a Paypal account if you have one, or probably simplest is Patreon, which is at
I hope you do manage to join up, and if not, then I am sorry.
A different technical question: Do you have a recommendation for a microphone? I create videos for my math classes and haven’t found any of the three I’ve tried to be adequate.
I use a Rodecaster Condenser mic…used to use a Blue Yeti which was much cheaper, perfectly good, but picked up a lot of ambient noise. Which was rather good for the bird song…
I rather liked the bird, but my ambient sounds are the AC and ventilation system cycling in my classroom. The droning hum in the background makes my videos sound so amateurish.
Ic þancie þē
Ah if only I understood Old English!
Google is my friend!
Hi David,
I’m a huge fan of both your podcasts & shedcasts! Your dry delivery and witty asides frequently make me smile, and occasionally a chuckle or two come along. I especially liked this past week’s series on Lady Jane Grey – it’s a gripping story that, serialized, left me wanting more and I looked forward to the next installment eagerly. Thanks for putting that together…I hope you’ll do that again sometime.
For my actual question, I have the annual membership…how will I know when it’s time to renew? Do you notify us by email (or maybe owl)? I don’t want to miss out!
Again, many thanks for your fine work!
Hi David. I’m having difficulty downloading “Eleanor 2”. A 404 error message comes up, with the suggestion that the URL might be wrong.
Hey, I’ve been brooding for a couple of years on the “buffty” controversy. Now, while you’re entitled to coin your own terms, surely you mean “buffer”, defined in my dictionary as “an elderly man who is considered to be foolishly old-fashioned, unworldly, or incompetent”? Of course, brooding on the matter for years means I’m turning into one.
Kind regards,
Steve – really sorry I don’t know why this is happening. I will try to make it work – I’ll get back to you, it’s none of the normal things
And yes of course I guess you are absolutely right. Buffer it is really. I prefer Buftee though
I renew my subscription on Dec 15 and I have not seen a charge go through my account. I live in the U.S. and sometimes my bank is overzealous about blocking foreign charges.
Is there any record of my renewal?
Hi; and thank you very much !I’ve emailed you, but it looks OK from what I can see.
Just had a stupid moment. Paid annual subscription September. Got reminder to update card as it expires end of Jan. Meant to just update account but appear to have paid again. Is there anyway of cancelling this payment without cancelling whole subscription?
Hi Joanna – thanks for getting in touch; really sorry for the trouble. I have refunded the January payment, but please see an email I have sent to you. Best wishes, David
Hi, David. A year ago, my subscription was renewed automatically. My anniversary must be near, but I cannot find an account management link on this site.
Hi Gilbert sorry and thanks for letting me know; I will email you!
Hi David. Really enjoying History of Scotland. Have got up to Ep. 17 and all downloaded fine and I listen to them through Google Play. But 18, 20, 21 etc. are downloading but my Samsung is telling me I don’t have an app to play them. For some reason Ep. 19 plays fine through Google Play but not any of the others. Help!
Hi David – I have looked at the episodes and can’t understand why they would be any different. Though as it happens I didn’t think we had podcasts available in England yet – or at least that’s what their website tells me. With the exception of 19 are you getting none others after 17 for the History of Scotland? Are you getting William the Marshall an/or Eleanor? Very sorry for the bother; if you let me know that I’ll have another look and then maybe put something out, but I haven’t had any comments elsewhere. In desperation until we sort it, things seem to be working on PocketCasts, and Podkicker. Let me know, though
Hi David. Thanks for looking into this for me. I’ve tried some of the rest and I get the pop-up stating that they have downloaded successfully but I just can’t seem to play them. They appear in my downloads but without displaying the History of Scotland logo as it happens. 19, 17 and all previous are fine and yes I did successfully listen to William the Marshall and Eleanor and thoroughly enjoyed them both by the way. If no one else is experiencing the problem then I guess it might be some sort of issue my end but I’m not the most tech savvy. I will try and have another go on my wife or daughter’s device and see if same thing happens.
Thanks David; let me know what happens, and if you are still getting no joy, I will post a question on the FB site; that normally at least tells us if anyone is having the same experience
Hi David. No joy I’m afraid. I’ve tried a family (I use a Sumsung) and also the family lap top and the same result with all. The downloaded episodes that have worked thus far look like this: HoS16ATroubledSuccession.mp3 with the HoS logo and the ones that don’t work look like this: HoS22TheGreatCause.mp3.null (therefore .null with no logo). Nb. I can play them directly from the website but I tend to listen to your fabulous podcasts whilst driving around. Hope this may help to identify what’s happening.
That is utterly bizarre. Have you tried deleting the feed completely and trying again? There is sometimes a problem that you get a sort of ghost feed that partially works so putting in the exact right URL is important – which is
I will try a post on the FB site, but since nobody else has said anything I am not optimistic. I’ll also pass this across to my website developer pal see if he has any ideas
David, I have just been through this with Jesse the developer; he’s been through the process successfully with his Samsung and has managed to get the downloads OK. Could you try the delete and reload approach?
Hi David. Thank you for your time on this. I will give the delete and reload approach a go and let you know how I get on. Thanks David
My fingers and toes are crossed…
Hi David,
I signed up for membership yesterday, but I can’t seem to access the members-only episodes on my Android phone. I normally use PocketCasts, but there was no + button, so I tried to access by pasting the URL provided into the search box and this didn’t work. I’ve downloaded two other apps: BeyondPod and Podkicker. However, I’ve followed the instructions for both these apps and just keep getting an error message along the lines of ‘Feed URL problem’ or ‘Unauthorised’. Can you help?
Thanks, Becky
Hi Becky
Thanks very much for signing up – and really sorry you are having trouble accessing the shedcasts on your Android. Can I firstly check that you are using the right details – are you able to login to the website here – ? Obviously the login details are the same you need for your download, so this will make sure you are using the right one.
Next, I think from your comment that you are looking at the download instructions on the website, but just in case you are not, please have a look at
The usual problem comes from getting the URL right – it’s a bit of a pig to do first time around. If you are copying and pasting, please make sure there are no preceeding or trailing spaces, and that the URL is exactly correct.
Also, I have found that once it’s gone wrong, the memory of it seems to stay in the phone. So you are best to completely delete the History of England Members only feed from your podcatcher before trying again.
I hope this works – but do get back in touch and let me know
Hi David,
I’m in! Thank you so much for your help.
Hi, my name is Anita, and I have signed up and paid the £40 Membership Fee. I had all sorts of problems, but finally got there. Now I cannot log in. I’m being told to check my e.mail for the confirmation, but there is no confirmation. I used to be signed up with you on another e.mail address which is no longer working, so used my recent one, which is Would you be good enough to check for me. Many thanks.
Hi Anita and I am really sorry I’m causing you a problem. Please check your email I will correspond with you direct
I successfully subscribed to the members only podcast stream on Apple Podcast, but it says “You’re all caught up” and I see no episodes. It tells me to check for other episodes but there is no logical way to do so. On the free HOE podcast, there is a way to click “Available Episodes” and see the old ones. Not so with the member feed. Does anyone know what I’m doing wrong?
(Works fine with Overcast)
Hi Matthew
It might be the same as a problem I have had myself, and assumed, of course, that it was my incompetence – but it was not! There seems to be a ‘ghost’ URL out there with a truncated list of early episodes, and if you don’t get the URL exactly right your phone remembers the URL. I mention it here
You might resolve it by completely deleting the feed from your phone, and starting again from scratch, making sure you have got the right URL and are asked, and able, to log in with a password.
I hope this works – let me know and if not we’ll try again
I’ve recently become a member after listening to the free episodes for a while – so you mrketing of membership works (at least for me). A moment ago I followed your instructions and gained access to the shedcasts via the apple podcast app and it worked first time. Is there a similar approach for other members-only material (such as the history of Scotland)?
Hi Jim – all the material is available over the one feed – all the Shedcasts, Britain and the Sea, Scotland, Eleanor and William. If you want to see a flyby of what’s available, to check you have the right feed, have a look at the members area with the link below – you should get access to all of this through this one feed, If you are not, it’s often the URL being slightly wrong, which seems to pick up some content but not others. Let me know!
Here’s the link:
And, thank you very much for signing up!
Yes, I see now. I was thinking the History of Scotland, Bitian and the Sea, etc. would be segregated into their own groups in some way but I see them all combined with the shedcasts. No worries as you say. I’ll be listening.
I did think of doing that actually; but people I think perefered not to have to type in multiple URLs so I stuck with just one.Anyway, glad you have found them!
I’ve just taken out membership but can’t see how to download members’ stuff (HOS)onto my iPod via iTunes where I usually get the free podcasts. Help would be great.
Thanks Jeanette
Hi Jeanette
Thanks very much for signing up! I am slightly worried – you should have received an email immediately with links showing you how to do this. Maybe it is in your spam folder? Eitherway, please let me explain it here with my apologies.
The members podcasts are password protected, and so are held separately to the free podcasts – so you will have two feeds on your mobile or computer. However, the vast majority of podcatchers (including iTunes) allow you to do it.
The explanation is here If you are using iTunes and Apple instructions are near the top.
I hope this works OK – let me know how you get on, and thanks for becoming a member!
best wishes
I just signed up to become a member. I was asked to give an email address and a password but not a user name. When I tried to login I was asked for a user name and password. What is my user name?
Hi Linda
Thanks very much for signing up to Patreon, and I have just seen your comment on the website.
I think what happening is that you have a sign up to Patreon established, where you can use the Patreon RSS feed to access podcasts. To access the members area of my website and download from there, you need a separate username and password I’m afraid, since Patreon and my website are separate things.
I am on holiday and on an overnight Ferry this minute, but I set up my laptop and set you up in an hour or so; end me a username idea if you have any preferences, if not I will make one up !
Thanks a million for pledging and I’ll be back to you soon
Hi David,
All has been running smoothly since I joined a couple of weeks ago. Current downloads have appeared on my iPod via iTunes and I’ve also downloaded back episodes of HOS without trouble. This morning everything I try to download just plays on my computer without being saved or sent anywhere. I’ve repeated the process of signing up as a member with iTunes but nothing changed. Help! Jeanette
Hi Jeanette – I’ve replied to your email address…
I’ve been a member for two or three months but can’t work out how to listen to any of the members only podcasts. Please help. The website is so cluttered and confusing!
Hi David,
New member here. I don’t download, I just stream through my android tablet.
Over the weekend, all of the players and download links on the members page have disappeared. Also, when on the members page, if I use the button on top to go back to the main podcasts, I get a page of code. Restarted the tablet numerous times and cleared my cache, no help. Gosh, I hope you can help, I h as very been trying desperately to get caught up.
Nvm. I now see the “play in new window” text under the title.
Works like a charm. Back to binge listening!
Excellent! You are sorted now? Let me know if not. Hope you enjoy them!
Yes, I think so, I am listening away.
I just listened to Hans Holbein, the link to the transcript page has no content except to say “Below is the transcript yadda yadda”. I was so hoping to see the images, are they no longer posted?
Btw love, love, love this podcast. Since I am also of a certain age, love your jokes, too.
Will you ever have time to address the history of the Irish and Welsh?
Hi Cheryl and that’s good to know! I’ve just checked the Holbein transcript – it is there and images too, Are you sure you are logged in when you look? Or maybe try a different browser? Let me know if you have any luck. And as an Englishman I don’t think I am brave enough to do a history of the Irish, it is an exercise in self flagellation. I will of course need to cover Ireland as we go through with the Elizabethan intervention in Ireland being a far from happy occasion. Things get generally tougher from here on in! I have always harboured a desire to do the history of the Welsh, though there are some similar problems; maybe one day!
It us there, you were right, i wasn’t logged in. When I go to the podcast page a box pops up asking me to sign in, then I can listen, but I guess I wasn’t actually logged in.
Understood about the Irish, I just tried to read “The Great Hunger” by Cecil Woodham-Smith. I couldn’t finish it, I don’t know who I was more outraged with, the apathetic government officials, or the Irish themselves for trusting the government and God too much. History is my pleasure reading, so I am used to the self made tragedies of mankind,but for some reason this story affected me too much.
Thanks for all of your help and quick responses. May you podcast forever.
Glad there was a relatively easy answer and that you have access again!
Yes; I will of course need to cover the famine and it won’t be easy; the cruelty of the laissez faire attitudes is beyond belief. There is very little the English do in Ireland, particularly from Elizabeth’s time, that reflects well on us. Still, important not to shy away from it!
Anyway, there are lots of more fun things to come too…
Hi, David,
I get an error message when I try to access the slides for episodes 31e or 31f. The error is “404” and claims the url is incorrect or cannot be found. I’m logged in. I’m using a Windows machine and Chrome browser. Help?
Hi David – and really sorry, I have a problem with the way episodes are transferred to the hosting site. I have amended the LLASE series, but some of the more recent William Marshal episodes stil have the problem. I should have it fixed by the end of 8th September; very sorry, let me know if you still have problems thereafter
It’s working now. Thanks!
I am still unable to download the current Marshall episode “Hubris”. I am logged in and tried several times over the last three days but keep getting the 404 error message. I am using Windows 10 and Chrome. Thanks for looking into this. Jon
Jon, really sorry. We have this weird file naming bug. I have fixed ths one now, there’s still a problem with previous episodes which I am trying to get fixed.
Thanks – it worked today. Jon
I understand there is a new TTME podcast, but not seeing it on the website. The last one I see is the Beatles podcast. I can access everything else, so I think I am logged in okay.
NOT urgent, just wondered if maybe it was accessible through podcast apps only and not through the website; that’s how I access things. Hope all are well, and as I said, no rush sorting it out…I am 99% sure it’s user error! Best wishes, Kathryn Ruiz
Hi. I have been a member for a while but struggle with the layout. It seems a bit dis-jointed. Also why is there no app. I think that would help. I do enjoy the content though. Thanks. Andy
I love your podcast, but I’ve had to cancel for financial reasons. I was billed today (thus, the cancelling). Was wondering if there is a way to reverse that or to get reimbursed. Sorry to have to do this. Thank you. Amy.
Done! Sorry to see you go, but thanks for past support!
David, I tried to change my payment info at That link takes me to the new member sign up page. I tried several times. I need to change this soon.
Hi Lorraine – I’ve responded by email…
Hello David! I have enjoyed your podcast so much for the last couple of years! Hence, I decided to quit using audible with Amazon and listen to your historic shows but….. pay for them instead of freebees! I was starting to feel guilty because I know you have to put in hours and hours to share your shows with the world. However, even though your site says you take discover, my card has been declined 3 times. I called Discover, thinking there must be the problem, but, they havnt declined ANYTHING for me in YEARS (believe me, Im sad to say) So, because I am in love with you (and a cougar, according to my sons)could you please help me out? Besides, I have been doing my genealogy and find that on a couple of legs of my tree I have family members through a bunch of the sick royalty you are mentioning. I just want to know more about what mental illness lurks in my family past. You seem to know all of it. So, Im not embarrassed by being old, and computer illiterate, and or a couger. Thanks Barbara
David Hi
First, I am addicted to you podcast. I’m on Episode 164 and catch you fast. Keep going:-)
I’m having trouble resetting my password. The link for the website comes up as invalid. Nothing urgent but I need to update my credit card details .
Again, just brilliant. Thank you so much.
Hi Tarquin – thank you…and sorry! I have emailed you about the password problem
Hi David,
I love the show and so appreciate all the work you put into it. Unfortunately, I need to cancel my subscription because of a changed financial situation due to Covid-19. I’m having difficulty changing my password even after following the instructions on the FAQ. Do you mind helping me cancel my subscription?
Thank you,
Hi Adam – I have cancelled the sub – you are paid up for a few more weeks so do download anything that takes your fancy! Thanks for being a member
Not exactly a new member, but I use Spotify which I think doesn’t do the paid ones and I’ve never had time to sort out another way of accessing. I just got a new standalone MP3 player and so would like to be able to download the members-only material, ideally in one lump, so just transferring into a folder on my computer then onto the player. Is there a way to do that?
Thanks in advance, Natalie
Hi Natalie…I’m afraid I think you are right that spotify doesn’t do password protected podcasts. But I’m sorry, I don’t know a way of doing a bulk download; you can download them into a folder, I assume, but only one by one. Sorry!
No worries. Thanks for the reply.
Hi David,
I have been listening to your ‘English’ podcasts for quite a while and enjoy them very much. A couple of months ago I started listening to the ‘Scotland’ ones but I’m still in the relatively early stages. When I tried to look at the web pages today only two were available, well beyond where I have got.
I can still get the podcasts themselves but cannot see the relevant pages on your web site.
Am I missing something?
Best regards,
James Bain
I’m so sorry, what you are missing is that I cam a rubbish communicator. I have just moved all the History of Scotland episodes to their own website here:
There’s now an announcement on this website – the move should not make much difference in terms of downloading unless you download directly from the website post.
Hi David,
I just finished your latest episode and it is brilliant! Thank you 🙂
I wanted to skip over to listen to the Scottish episodes but they are not available to me at the new web page. Maybe it is just because of the very recent move and I will try again later. Just wanted you to know that, at least for me, it is nor working atm.
All the best
Well, now I see… All my mistake. Sorry, I hope I did not cause any trouble for you for you with my message.
Is everything OK – are you getting the History of Scotland episodes?
Hi David, I’m really enjoying the Scotland series. I always recommend your podcasts. They’re fantastic and so addictive.
I just ran into my first technical issue. When I try to download episode 32 I get a ‘page cannot be found’ error. I’m listening on my iPhone thru the website.
*episode 32 on history of Scotland.
Hi, and really sorry. Sadly, though, I can’t recreate the problem; I’ve looked at the episode and the file is there and tagging present and correct; and I have just successfully downloaded it to Apple Podcasts app. All I can suggest is that you close the appa dn open it again, or even turn off your phone and then restart it to try to get rid of any cache; we did transfer the HoS to a new site, and it does temporarily confuse some devices
I just downloaded to the podcast app as well via the instructions above. So much easier to access! Thank you, I’m all set.
Smashing, thanks!
Having issues downloading and playing shedcasts from the website using my iPhone. Tried the new learning and the one on printing but they are not downloading or playing. Had trouble the other day with a history of Scotland one too. The second ep on David.
Hi there…I am really sorry you are having problems. I have just tried it myself, and the HoS18 episode did download. I think it might be that the change we made to add the new Scottish site may have left false information on your phone; I’d suggest just deleting any HoS episodes, closing the app maybe turning off your phone, then turn on, go omnto the app and start again. If that doesn’t work, I know its a pain, but delete the feed and then add it from fresh. Sorry I can’t find any better explanation – but hope that works
Good afternoon, David,
I listen on my iPhone on the native podcast app. I have been trying out Downcast. It downloads fine for the main podcast. But I cannot get even to recognize the shedcasts. I’ve followed the instructions on your support page without success. I continually get “Error adding feed. Unable to download the requested podcast feed.” I find no help from Downcast or on the Web generally. Can you help?
David Miller
Hi David, and I’m very sorry you are having trouble getting the shedcasts on Downcast. First question is just to check that you can log in to the website – sounds as though you can, and if so it’s not the password then!
Second thing is to check that you are using exactly the right URL –
The only other thing I can suggest, which works sometime, is to make sure you’ve closed the App before trying again; sometimes the caching gets in the way
I’m sorry but I can’t offer more than that; there are so many different apps! One final thing you could try is to go to the Facebook group and ask around; the group is at
Let me know how you get on
best wishes
Hurrah! It worked. Thanks!
I cannot get into the site, though my membership just renewed. Apparently, I don’t remember my password, and when I try to reset it, I keep getting a message that says there is something wrong with my reset password link. Please help!!
Hi Linda – I have replied to your email address – let me know if this works ok!
Hello from Canada. I am enjoying your History of England podcast quite a lot! I am learning so much and it’s very entertaining.
I am wondering if you have an RSS URL available for content.
Thanks, Chris
I became a member (finally) and am beginning of the History of Scotland podcast. However, I have to go my browser everytime and scroll through to get to the earlier episodes every time. Is there a podcast just for History of Scotland podcast? I’m in the U.S. and have an Iphone.
Hi Nancy
If you are going to a computer to listen through browser, the easiest way is to go here where you can see a full listing.
If you are using a mobile then sadly there is only one URL for all the members’ series – because I think a new URL for every series would drive people mad. But that does mean you ned to scroll through all the members podcast to find what you want, or search on ‘HoS’.
I realise that there are so many shedcats now that this is a real problem. Jesse and I are therefore working on an App you can use on your phone which will divide up the shedcasts into their different series, so you can find things more easily.
Hope that helps
I can’t get a membership. Every time I put in Pay by Paypal, I’m told my card no is incomplete! Obvs am not entering a card no as trying to pay by PayPal!!
Hi Jennie, and sorry to hear that there’s a problem. Are you sure you are checking he ‘Pay with Paypal radio button first; and I think in Paypal there’s an option to pay by card too just to be warned. Apart from that I don’t know why it should do that; all I can suggest is to hit CTRL + F5 and then turn off you computer completely, and restart; sometimes the cache gets in the way
I tried joining via my laptop and was successful so yay! But then unyay!! can’t download shedcasts to my android phone (using Acast) and I’ve even tried installing 4 different podcast providers including the examples you give in your instructions snd none of them work. I know I could listen on my computer but use my phone ALL the time so wld be much more convenient.Help?
Hi Jennie, and I am really sorry you are having such a problem. Sadly there’s a limit to how much I can help with individual podcatchers, over and above the advice I have given – I assume you are looking at ? The problems most commonly come from making a slight mistake in the URL – missing an s somewhere or something. Sometimes it’s necessary to get rid of the memory of previous attempts in the phone’s cache by turning the phone off before you try again. Are you able to log into the website – i.e. are your username and password correct? Two other thing you can try are 1) To come to the podcast group ( and ask if anyone is using the same podcatcher and can help – though honestly, they are often the people who gave mt the information on the ‘How to download’ page in the first place; the other is to get in touch with your podcatcher to explain your problem and see if they can help. If you can’t make it work, let me know Jennie, and I will refund you with my apologies
Hi. No new passord. And no new membreship.
Hi there, and sorry! I have emailed you from If you don’t get anything, please check spam, or drop me an email, and I can then reply to that.
Hi David, thanks for your brilliant podcasts, I am really enjoying them!
I am using an app called Castbox, which allows me to download all your podcasts (without signing in, interestingly enough) – except the History of Scotland, which doesn’t show up in the search. I have an Android phone, so iTunes is not an option. Do I have to use a different app for the HoS?
Hi Melanie. Slightly alarming! I hope Castbox is allowing you to download all my free podcasts, which is great, but not the members only shedcasts; but do tell me if you are getting shedcasts without logging in and I’ll run around in a panic. Members and Free podcasts are on separate feeds – and History of Scotland is for members (look for HoS in the title). Instructions on how to do it are here but IO must admit I don’t have instructions specifically for Castbox, and I have an Apple phone so if you do get in it would be lovely if you could let me knpow how and I’ll add the instructions to my page. Let me know how you get on – and if you are getting shedcasts free somehow, so that I can then faint.
Hello Mr. Crowther,
1st thank you so much for your podcasts! I have devoured the History of England! Now that I am up to date I have turned to listen to your other works. I also signed up for a membership to HoE! YAY!
I am able to listen to all the “members only” episodes on HoE and the Shedcasts, but I cannot access the History of Scotland. Is there a seperate membership for that?
Thanks again!!!
Rochelle Brogan
California Girl smitten with UK accents
Hi Rochelle and thanks so much for becoming a member. I hope you enjoy the shedcasts.
The History of Scotland is part of the same feed as the Shedcasts. A couple of people have had the same problem as you have had, but they are there. Firstly look for the HoS at the start of the title of each episode – there are 54 of them. If still not there, you may have downloaded the wrong feed by mistake; it’s really odd there is a ghost out there with just a few shedcasts on it; to give you an idea of scale, we are up to number 36 in the shedcasts – you can see a summary here If this IS the problem it maybe that you’ve made a tiny mistake in transposing the feed address. I’d advise deleteing the Members feed entirely, turning off your phone to delete the cache, and then setting up the feed again. The instructions are here and the feed address If you are still struggling please email me on, and sorry it’s proving such a bother
New phone, lost password, broken reset links
When I try to reset my password the reset link I receives returns an error message “Your password reset link appears to be invalid. Please request a new link below.”
I tried requesting another link a couple of times to no avail.
I’ve posted rather than emailing in case others have had the same issue.
Hi Cathy, I am really sorry, this is a recurrent problem I have raised with the provider of the widget; and given that you are on the technical support page you have clearly found the solutions I have tried! The final one is to get in touch with me and I will manually reset your password – Cathy look for an email from me shorty, and email me on if it doesn’t arrive
Glad you have the website back up and running, David. FYI, as I was exploring the website today (logged in as a member), I clicked on the “Resources” button (on the bar going across the top of the page: “Home, Podcasts, Resources, Themes,[etc.],” and the box that then pops up beneath the tab — which I assume should contain various sub-menu choices — contains only blank rectangles. The same thing also occurred when I clicked on the “Themes” button. To test whether it’s only a problem related to my browser (Mozilla Firefox), I also logged into the website using Chrome, and the same problem occurred again, under both “Resources” and “Themes.” BTW, I’m using a Windows 10 desktop. Just wanted to alert you to the issue for troubleshooting, if necessary.
I discovered your podcasts earlier this year and am enjoying them immensely! I’ve been listening to them in chronological order (including the Anglo-Saxon series) — Queen Mary died today as I was walking in my Nashville neighborhood. 😉 Looking forward to the episodes to come…the many episodes to come!
I am unable to play the history of Scotland episodes 40 through to 52. All the others play ok.
Am I doing something wrong?
Thank you
Hi there, no it’s me! I have managed to fix 43-52, still working on 40 & 42…
40 and 41 fixed too now – hopefully all should work
Went to binge listen to the Shedcast in Oct on iphone 6 but it wanted my password, which I didn’t have with me. Now upgraded to iphone 11 on iso 15.0.2 & Shedcasts haven’t updated since August & won’t update now. Can’t see Shedcasts in App Store either (but can see H of E & Guest episodes etc) so didn’t want to delete incase I couldn’t reinstall. Can you help (& bearing in mind I’m a dunce with tech stuff)
Thanks muchly
Hi Sarah, and I will email you this too…
First thing I rhink is to go to the website and check that your credentials are correct – If you canm’t get in, then use the lost password process, and if you have a problem email me on
Once that’s sorted, it might be necessary for you to delete the Members’ feed entirely from your phone, and turn the phone off completely – and then turn it on again. I think that helps delete the cache, the memory the phone might have.
Then go through the process of adding the shedcasts again – as per the instructions which I have updated foer the iPhone 11
Good luck – and email me if this doesn’t work!
Yeaaaahhhhh success. All fixed now thank you. Off to listen to 3 months worth of shedcasts now, I may be some time :0)
Excellent! and phew!
I was just billed for another year, but I did not received any notice that this payment was pending. I need to ask you to refund this charge and cancel my membership going forward, as I had to close my business due to the pandemic and then my husband died, and I am living on a small pension. I still enjoy listening!
Hi Susan – I am so sorry to hear your news! This has been done, and I have emailed you separately. Thank you for your support, and good luck.
GDay Dave,
Happy new year! I’d like to switch my membership from Paypal to a credit card – do I just cancel my membership and then sign up again?
Hi Douggie, and happy 2022! Yes – I am very sorry, I wish there was a way I could just switch it, but I can’t. Hope that’s not too much of a pain!
There seems to be a serious problem with your billing process On 1-02-2021 my credit card was charged $54.75 US f0r membership. On 2-14-2021 I was billed $55.41US for membership. Again on 1-02-2022 I was billed 54.21US and again on 2-14-2022, $54.34. Please immediately cancel my automatic renewal, cancel the Feb, 14 bill and refund the double payment of 2021. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Jean Kwall
This is very worrying; I have refunded what I can see, and adjusted your subscription. Please look out for an email to your email address from me,
Overcast issues
Hi, David, I’m afraid lately I’ve been flummoxed by the interface between the podcasts and Overcast. Due to some tech issues, I recently had to delete and the reinstall my podcast subscriptions in Overcast. This went fine with all the podcast subscriptions except yours. Prior to this, I was able to listen to the ad-free versions of the HoE podcasts via the HoE podcast stream. (The one with the orange History of England logo.) I now have installed in overcast three of your streams – one called “David Crowther,” with the icon of your striking visage, one called “History of England Members Only” with the purple History of England icon, and the aforementioned “History of England” orange icon.
The first two streams function fine, but they have everything EXCEPT the HoE podcasts. They’ve got HoS, something called “Hawkwood,” another something called “Margaret,” and a few others things, but no HoE podcasts. The orange logo stream has the HoE podcasts, but only the ad-supported versions. (Before this deletion/reinstallation problem, I was getting the HoE podcasts ad-free.)
I can use my membership info to access the HoE podcasts ad-free via your podcast app, but that app lacks of lot of functionality available on Overcast. Is the ad-free version of the HoE stream now unavailable through Overcast? That would be disappointing.
Separately, the orange logo HoE podcast subscription in Overcast has a dead link. now links to a domain name vendor.
Thanks for your help, love the content!
Hi John. I am a bit confused; I can’t think of a logo with my face on it – fortunately! I’m afraid I don’t control the Overcast interface. all I can do is direct you to and the directions there. There are three URLS that matter. The standard Orange, Free history of England, which you fie simply by searching in Overcast for the History of England (you wont need to type in a URL). Second the members feed URL, for which you will need your userame and log in and gives mauve logo. Then the free history of England without adverts – the URL for which is the the How to download your podcasts page. I’m really sorry I can’t say more than that! Maybe overcast can help with this information?
Thanks for the quick reply. This might be more information than you need, but I’ll put it here in case it helps others who use Overcast. The key is which URL one uses with Overcast.
You can use and Overcast will prompt for username and password. It accepts the username and password, but provides the orange ad-supported stream in response.
If you use
then Overcast provides the correct lavender ad-free stream.
Regarding the various Crowther-related streams in Overcast, this function does not permit screen shots, so I’ll ask your further patience and send them to your email. You can then pass the info to your vast army of app developers, software engineers, coders, and factotums to deal with.
Thanks again for the help and the content.
Some podcasts seem to have transcripts. Then it stopped. Do only some have transcripts or is there something I need to know to turn them on?
Are you talking about the free podcasts or members? For Members, all the shedcast transcripts should be there, so if they are not I have messed up – please let me know and I’ll add them. For the History of England, I only started adding them to episode posts at some point in time so are only after that time (can’t quite remember when!).
Using the app on an iPhone SE I can’t find a way to “scrub” through a podcast. IOS 15.5. Perhaps it can’t be done? Thanks!
You can actually do this; I don’t think you can drag the slider but you can ‘click’ on the slider bar when playing, and it will jump forward or back
Dear David & Henry,
I have tried all your comprehensive list of trouble-shooting ideas on downloading the mobile app., but no luck.
I have an iPhone 13 Pro. I get to the ‘Install the History of England Mobile App’ page and try to click the ‘Add to Home’ button, and a dialogue box saying “Install this The History of England Mobile App on your iPhone” which points to the bottom of the screen, but there is no apparent way to get to what I presume is the button to click, so no go :-(. Similarly, I can see your screenshot of the little icon below the ‘play’ bar, but this does not show up on my iPhone screen; the ‘play’ bar is as far as it will go.
Any suggestions gratefully accepted!
Hi Kris, and I am struggling, I must admit. I seem to remember having had this problem during the development process, and Jesse then updated the design; maybe it’s returned in the last version. We have been meaning to turn the it into a thorough-going app that can be downloaded from the app store, and that may help – though progress is slow! All I can suggest for the moment is to check you’ve tried the advice below? If that doesn’t work I’ll get on to Jesse and see if he ca help
Access the App typing/pasting in the URL in a Safari browser.
You will arrive at the Homescreen, as in the image on the left
At the bottom you will see the symbol as indicated in the red circle. Select that
A menu will pop up; scroll down, and find ‘Add to Home screen’ and select
The App and icon will be added to your mobile’s homepage
OK – thanks, David. Looks like I’ll have to wait for the updated app. ;-).
I am using an IPhone 13. I would like to report that the transcript for Postcast 6 at seems to be the wrong one. It seems to concern a much later historical period.
Hi John, and thank you; a rather odd one, but now fixed
Hi David. The shedcasts havent been loading on Apple Podcasts on my iPhone. I tried unfollowing but when I try to search for the members podcast with the url I get the message that the server or feed can’t be found.
Hi Albert, and I am really sorry to hear that. I have checked the feed, and just gone through the same process on my phone – and did manage to recreate the feed successfully. Could I ask you to try again? I few things that tend to go wrong are slightly mistyping the feed, putting a plural in somewhere; I have often found that cutting and pasting the feed also sometimes doesn’t work; or sometimes the phone /cached’ memory retains the old feed address, so after unfollowing it can be helpful to close the app/podcatcher, turn the phone off completely to re-boot it. Would any of these help?
Thanks David. I finally tried making the “members” at the end of the URL singular and that worked.
Albert, I am a bit suspicious of that; the feed definitely has a plural, and that’s the one I am using successfully. Are you sure it has all the episodes are there? The Lasest one should be HoS 73 Darling of the Age
Hi David. Yes. I kept getting error messages with the plural “members”. On a lark I tried cutting the s and making it singular and it worked. Fwiw the plural worked on overcast.
And it does appear to have pulled up all of the episodes through the most recent.
Maybe my phone is as eccentric as I am?
Well! I never did. Just go to prove that machines are in fact as capricious as Greek Gods, not automotons at all. Still if it works…who cares?!
Hello David! I guess I haven’t been on the site for awhile! But I’m still a loyal supporter via Patreon. Is there anyway of ”updating” my membership here to reflect my support via Patreon? I use the same email for both accounts.
Actually, the REAL reason I logged on, though, is that I’m spending a week in Reading next week; and I’m looking for tips on whether you may have some favorite historical sites in the area. It would be VERY cool if they were also related to the ECW, given that I’ve been ”saving up” the last several HoE episodes to listen to during the trip!
Mark Desjardins
Hi David, just when I was about to send a report about struggling to access the shedcasts, the problem was solved. I log into my account with my email as a username while the podcast apple only allows me to log in by username. It had both saved to my keychain and kept selecting the email login which pops up first. anyway, its great to be back and I have a collection of members casts to devour again and again.
Phew! Every time someone contacts me with a tech problem, I panic and un around in small circles thinking the whole system is broken! And welcome back!
Hello David!
I had an annual membership beginning in 2020 that I canceled back then simply so that it would not auto-renew. I’d like to renew an annual membership now, but the member page does not seem to give me that option (and it’s behaving as if I am a current member).
Can you help?
Thank you for all you do, David. I am a big fan of your work.
Hi Terry, and of course I can help! I have tried to email you though to poick this up – let me know if you don’t receive something
Got your email, David. Thank you so much for your help.
All set now. I am very glad to be back in the fold!
Excellent news – and welcome back!
Good morning from Canada! I’ve spent many enjoyable hours with your podcast—thank you so much for your great research and gentle wit. I was more than pleased to become a member! My only difficulty is that on the website when I go to log in, I am told my email is not recognized. However, this is the only email I’ve used and I do receive podcast notices at that email. Hope your admin can help
Hi and I am really sorry – it’s because I am in the stone age and my system and Payreoin do not talk to each other unless I otder them to. I will set you up on the websit; I will send an email, and if you don’t receive it, please email me at
Working great—Thanks so much!
Excellent, thanks! Let me know if you have any problems
Hello David from Delaware, USA. Thank you for your great work in this podcast. Your scope and insights are truly amazing. I also appreciate your witty humor. I just made a donation and hope to do more in the future.
Hi John, thank you and – thank you! I saw it, yoiu are very generous, thank you
Hi David,
I didn’t want to leave without explaining…my UK bank account is nearly down to zero so I had to cancel my subscription, but when things are back on track again I will definitely rejoin. I love the podcast and I’m so glad I found it. You’ve helped me rediscover my love of history, cruelly thwarted back in 1988 by the most boring teacher on earth coupled with the industrial revolution. Things are hard economically in Argentina at the moment, but life here teaches you that it’s all swings and roundabouts, so I will be back.
All the best and thanks again,
Hi Linda, and I am really sorry! I hope things get back on track for you, and it’s been lovely of you to give me the extra support. I hope you can keep listening to the History of England!
I will be listening till you reach WW1, or one of us pops our clogs 😉
My account includes a credit card to be used for my yearly dues but has not been debited (according to your records) in 2022 or 2023. My card receipts also show no bill (but its a bit opaque in how debits are shown). I’d rather not freeload and do enjoy the “product”. Please advise.
Hi James, I have had a look and see what you mean! It is very kind of you to be concenred. I have emailed you from
Hi David,
I’ve noticed lately that A-Cast has been injecting ads into the main HoE feed. I checked my account and I’m all paid up; should I try re-subscribing? Thank you for the History At A Gallop episodes, I’ve found them very helpful in reinforcing the main bits from the story of the Stuarts from the past few months.
Hi Eric, and glad you are enjoying the At A Gallop episodes. On the question of adverts; re-subscribing won’t make any difference, but of you are a member you will be able to use an advert free feed. the instructions for doing that are in the page. Hope that’s OK!
I have been a paying member for a number of years. Love your story telling style and have explored so much history because of things that peaked my interest on HOE. Problem is that my annual donation does not shield me from adverts and am hoping you can tell me how I can achieve and advert free feed. Thank you for your monumental efforts. They are appreciated. Renee M
Hi there and thank you so much for your support. I seriously can’t tell you how much I appreciate it – after all, it allows me to do something I love.
I will also email you, but if you login and go to you will find instructions on how to access the History of England advert free.
Do email me on if you don’t hear from me or need more help
Hi. I was a member through Paypal but I canceled that subscription and resubscribed through your web page. Now I can’t download certain episodes on the HOE add free podcast. I get the error message: Error Playing 386 The Fighting Spreads
Sorry. Didn’t mean to send. The error message is: Error Playing 386 The Fighting Spreads. The requested URL was not found on this server. – The operation couldn’t be completed. (CorMediaErrorDomain error – 12938 – HTTP 404: File Not Found).
Thanks Mary, and very sorry. I find I can play it on my Apple feed and the website, but not the app. I’ll follow that up with Jesse the Developer and see what he says and get back to you
Hi Mary. Jesse and I spoke and went through this. We had a temporary problem on the App, but not through Apple podcasts, or on the website. it is a common frustration I have found in sometimes finding it difficult to locate problems, I am sorry. It usually means that there’s been some temporary problem, or something odd about the local set up. If you are still having problems, can I suggest you look at the technical support page ( and follow the advice in No 1; which is basically turning it off and turning it on again. I am hopefuly there is nothing fundmanetal wrong, just a temporary gremlim.
Could you let me know if this works? And thank you for being a member.
ok I give up – I’m sure this is user error but I have a working members feed but with shedcasts only; should I be seeing regular episodes but ad-free in that feed? Or is there another link for members only, ad-free regular episodes? Or is the only way to hear ad-free regular episodes in the mobile app? I could have sworn this was working and I’m not sure what happened.
Hi Karl. The advert free feed for the History of England is different to the shedcast feed. You can find it on tis page, but also I will email you! And thanks for being a member
I have just enrolled as a member and validated my email address via the link on your email.
When I try to login, I get this error message
Unknown email address
Hi Alan – Thanks for your message; I have set you upon the website, and emailed you with the details. Pleaselet me know if you have any problems, and thanks forjoining! David
Hi, David,
I love your podcasts. I love the Shedcasts. I love them so much I often listen to them multiple times while waiting for the next one. I love the details, tangents, digressions and AAG episodes, the extended biographies. I love your sense of humor (yes, I’m American), the puns, the references to Douglas Adams, Monty Python, Star Trek, Blackadder, Terry Pratchett, etc. But most of all, I love the joy with which you tell your meticulously researched story.
I binged about 10 years worth of episodes during the lockdown and (slowly getting to the point) became an annual member via the website in February 2021. I thought my membership was recurring, and my account page shows no expiration date to my Annual Paid Subscription, but my profile page says it’s not and my credit card shows no payment in 2022 or 2023. I’m still getting the Shedcasts, and I have access to the membership page, but I’m also getting ads during the regular podcasts.
So finally the point: Do I owe you membership payments for 2022 and 2023? If so, I am happy to pay; I could do that, I suppose, as a one-off donation on your home page? If I go through Patreon for future membership fees, will the memberships sync? I don’t want to end up with two separate memberships, multiple feeds, multiple passwords, blah, blah, and if you will, blah.
Sorry to bother you with all this technical and financial stuff, sorry this was so long-winded, and sorry for all that fan-girling at the top; you must get that all the time.
Many thanks,
Hi Margery, and it is lovely to hear from you, and thank you for your kind words, I am so glad you are enjoying it!You are very generous.
I have not found out very much, but I will email you, and explain as far as I can. The email will be from
Greetings Mr. Crowther,
Is there an ad-free members feed for The History of England and for Anglo Saxon England as there is for the Shedcast?
Hi Mike – and yes there is for the History of England; if you go to it will show you how to get those added to your podcatcher. I don;t have one yet for the Anglo Saxon England series I’m afraid. I’ll email you also !
my binge repeats have just got better.
Hi David, I got an email notification that my 1 yr membership is expiring; I would like to take over responsibility for the payment, as this was a kind Father’s Day gift from my son (in fact I hear my ex was a little miffed as she never gets anything as obviously thoughtful,… but he and I share the podcast problem while she is rich and likes people).
I’m hopeful that can be accomplished, as I’m eager to keep my low membership ID number!
I’ve not been able to navigate through this issue in the Members settings pages – I did find this awesome circular logic problem: This subscription is not recurring. So you don’t need to update your billing information.
Hi John, and I am delighted it turned out to be a present you wanted! Afteral, I don’t suppose it’s the sort of thing you can easily ‘re gift’…I have a problem though, I do not know way to convert a manual set up to an automatic repaying. All I can suggest, short of signing up afresh, is that you use the donation button on the homepage, let me know, and I will set you up manually again fdor the further period you choose. Sorry it’so complicated! I will email you as well.
I’ve got an android phone, and the link to the HoE app doesn’t quite work.
All I get is a web browser version. The functionality isn’t great, as it doesn’t seem to auto play the next episode.
It’s a shame that the feed link doesn’t work with Spotify, as I like the functionality of that app.
If anyone else has had a similar problem, please let us know.
Thank you for the great podcasts.
Hi Damon, and guilty as charged really. The app is really a PWA, and my view is that it’s probably best used to show you what is available through the series structure; and then build a play list on your favourite podcatcher. I might add a note to that effect.
I have been trying to develop a new one. Trouble is a lack of resource…
No problem.
Thanks for letting me know. Cheers.
Is there any way to get the regular History of England episodes ad-free through a podcatcher? The ads for gambling on the presidential election are killing my soul, but even with a subscription I can’t seem to get them to stop.
Jacob: I willemail you, but the answer is yes, and the information you need is on this page: