There are some charities which the money generated by the members and listeners of the History of England allow me to support – not the least of the reasons why I am grateful to all of you. I have listed them below with links should you wish to know more or through a few quid their way as well

The Royal Historical Society: Early Career Fellowship Grants

I could not have written a single podcast without the work of academic, professional historians. I owe them all an enormous debt, quite apart from the limitless fascination from reading their work over the years, and it feels good that, because of you, I can give a little back.

I have also  be made aware that getting a start on an academic career can be really hard, and a financial struggle. The RHS provides a series of Early Career Fellowship grants of up to £2,000 each to help. These support researchers within three years of submitting their PhD,  to focus on career-building research or activities. The History of England has started this year to help by providing 2 of these grants, and I hope to carry on as long as I can. If you happen to want to know more, or even apply for such a grant, you can find more information on the RHS Early Career page.

It’s something of an honour for to to work with the RHS which has been around since 1868, supporting historians and the study of history. I’ve spent many hours pouring over various articles in the TRHS – Transactions of the Royal Historical Society! If you are interested to know more, or apply for membership or association, nip along to the RHS website.


The awards made by RHS from the History of England are below and they sound tremendous:


  • Katie Snow: “Satirising the breast: women’s bodies in late Georgian graphic satire”
  • Matthew White: “Reflections on a Frontier Landscape: British Writings on the American West, c. 1870-1914


  • Dr Jonathan Tickle (University of Manchester) – ‘Dynasty and Succession: The Legitimation of Royal Authority in Ninth- and Tenth-Century England’; and,
  • Dr Megan Yates (University of Leicester) – ‘Poverty, Work and Punishment: Vagrancy Across the Midlands c.1824-1900.’

The Anthony Nolan Trust

Back in 2019-220 I had a bit of medical run in, and the NHS did an amazing job of cleaning me up. A big part of that was the charity, the Anthony Nolan Trust, who make connections between patients and donors to facilitate stem cell transplants for sufferers for blood cancer. As it happens, I didn’t need them, because my brother did the necessary (thanks Jonny), but they help save the lives of countless people like me – and fund research and provide post transplant support.

In 2018 me and a mate (Davie) and a daughter (Izzy) did a walk for charity along the Thames, and once I was functional again, I promised to walk the next 50 mile section, from Henley to Oxford. Criminally, it took us a couple of years, but Davie and I did manage to make it finally to Oxford. You have all been extraordinarily generous and donated over £8,000. But if you ever feel generous – just go to the Anthony Nolan website to donate direct and find out more about them.