Christmas shopping at the History of England

Christmas at the History of England 

Well when I say Christmas…I guess to be brutal I’m talking about rampant commercialisation at Christmas, but if you are going to buy your loved ones, or even your enemies, presents, why not think of the History of England? There are two possibilities I’d like to suggest – the history of England shop, and buying membership

Buying Membership for someone else

Here’s how you do it:

  1. Go to, click on the donate button and donate £40 (or £40,000 if you’d prefer, your choice). Do NOT use the checkout or your existing membership account- just drop me a note to say you have made the donation for gift purposes
  2. Send an email to me at and give me 3 things
    • The name of the person to whom you are sending a gift
    • A username you would like for them
    • Their email
    • A particular date when the glad tidings should reach them and the purpose (optional)
  3. I will send them a nice email their log in details.

That’s it. Easy peasy, squeeze the lemon.

The Shop

You can buy Mugs, T Shirts and listories at the shop – just follow this link to ‘The History of England Shop or go to the menu on the home page where you’ll find the Shop as one of the menu options

Listories, should you be interested are my charts showing the rulers in England at various times, with those of their contemporaries in other countries or kingdoms – there’s an example above. They are available in two sizes – A2 or A3. There are 3:

  • Early Anglo Saxon England
  • Late Anglo Saxon England
  • Early Modern (1485-1707)

I’ve not covered 1066-1485 yet, but if you like them and want me to fill the gap I will do so.

You can follow the link,

3 thoughts on “Christmas shopping at the History of England

  1. Hello David
    I’m trying to figure out who Jane de la pool ( Mansel) was her father Was Thomas de la pool but not the THE Thomas as he had no issue – would you have any knowledge of her? Thanks

  2. Hi, David,
    Love the chart! Great colors and really helps me picture who the players are at any one time. Please add my vote to create the 1066-1485 segment when you have a spare chunk of time. I’ve just the right amount of wall space to fill 🙂

    Applause and thanks,

    1. Excellent – did you buy one? I am very nervous about them I must admit, so I love it that you love them. And vote received!

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